Immediate threat to life
We are able to respond in any weather condition or time of day/night with our fleet of 4×4’s and emergency lighting kit.
Q: Check for interaction with electrical services – has a tree hit a power line?
A: In this instance, the first contact should be to UK Power Networks who will respond free of charge: 0800 316 3105
Q: Is the tree a danger to road users?
A: If the tree is an immediate threat to road users, the local Police should be informed to control the traffic: 101

Imminent threat to property
The value of the property at risk will dictate the response required.
Q: Is a high value of property is at risk?
A: Yes, e.g. a house. An immediate response would be required.
Q: Is a low value of property at risk?
A: Yes, e.g. a fence. Please contact us at your convenience.

Returning the situation back to normal
Sometimes a fallen tree can be a hindrance, for example: blocking a driveway or road. The level of disruption will dictate the speed of response required.
Call NPC Tree Surgery for immediate assistance: 07712 764882